ラスト・ラフ The Last Laugh


  • 三谷幸喜
  • 脚色

  • 演出

  • 出演

    マーティン・フリーマン ロジャー・ロイド・パック
  • <日本語字幕付英語上演>
  • 三谷幸喜の傑作二人芝居「笑の大学」、英語プロダクション
    “The Last Laugh”ウエストエンド開幕に先駆けて来日決定

     三谷幸喜が英語訳のために書き直した「笑の大学~International Version」を、「Stepping Out(ステッピング・アウト)」などの劇作でも知られる、ベテラン作家Richard Harris(リチャード・ハリス)が、英語上演のために初のアダプテーションに挑みました。「ブラッド・ブラザース」、「スクルージ」等の演出で日本でもお馴染みのBob Tomson(ボブ・トムソン)が、かねてより熱望していた本企画の演出にあたりました。

     作家役は、TVドラマ「The Office」や映画「Love Actually」で日本でも人気があるMartin Freeman(マーティン・フリーマン)、検閲官役は、イギリスのコメディドラマ「オンリー・フール&ホース」や映画「ハリーポッター~炎のゴブレット」などでお馴染みのベテラン俳優・Roger Lloyd Pack(ロジャー・ロイド・パック)、この実力派コメディ俳優二人の競演が実現しました。
     1月上旬リハーサル開始、1/30、LONDONから1時間ほどのところにある、ウインザーのTheatre Royal Windsor(ウインザー王立劇場)にて、無事開幕しました。イギリス国内のツアー(4都市32ステージ)を経て、各地の地元紙の評価も5つ星と上々の船出となり、来年1月のウエストエンドオープンに向け待機中です。そしてこの度、ウエスト・エンドに先駆けて、オリジナルカンパニーの来日公演が特別に決定しました。
    The Last Laugh
    From an original play by KOKI MITANI
    Adapted by RICHARD HARRIS
    Directed by BOB TOMSON
    SCHEDULE:wed,July 11,2007 until sun,July 22,2007
    <English presentation with Japanese subtitles>
    The original English production of THE LAST LAUGH comes to JAPAN!
    Prior to London’s West End!

    Koki Mitani rewrote the original play as「WARAI-NO-DAIGAKU- International Version」to be translated to English by Linda Hoagland, and a veteran writer Richard Harris who is widely known by his plays such as STEPPIN’ OUT adapted it based on the English translation. Bob Tomson, who is not only familiar to the English theater world but to the Japanese audience as well by his direction of the plays such as BLOOD BROTHERS and SCROOGE, directed it, making his long-held aspiration of directing this play come true.
    While keeping the charm and appeal of the original production of WARAI NO DAIGAKU unchanged, this English version has realized a universal production played by English actors.
    In this version, the role of the writer is played by Martin Freeman, who is popular in Japan, too, with his appearances in a TV program THE OFFICE and a film LOVE ACTUALLY. The censor is Roger Lloyd-Pack, a veteran comedy actor who is also a familiar face in ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES, a long-running comedy in English TV and the film HARRY POTTER- GOBLET OF FIRE. The two brilliant comedy actors are paired together in this production.
    We started the rehearsals in the beginning of January and opened on January 30 at the Theatre Royal Windsor in Windsor, approximately one hour away from London. Having completed the domestic tour with 32 performances in four cities in England, it has been honored with fabulous five-star reviews appeared on local papers, and is now ready and waiting to open on West End in January next year.
    Prior to the West End opening, we are really delighted to have this wonderful and special opportunity to present this original English company to the Japanese audience. Do not miss to witness this epoch-making moment of Koki Mitani to open the door to the world’s theater.
    PLACE:PARCO theater
    PRICE:8,400 Yen(tax included)/All seats reserved
    TICKET SALES:Out on sat,June 9,2007
    RUNNING TIME:Two hours, with one intermission
    PLACE:ION cosmetics theater BRAVA!
    PRICE:S 7,800 Yen, A 5,000 Yen (tax included)/All seats reserved
    TICKET SALES: Out on sat,June 9,2007
    RUNNING TIME:Two hours, with one intermission
  • 1996年公演「笑の大学」作品ページはこちら



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